Cincinnati Driving Under Suspension Attorneys

The Cincinnati Driving Under Suspension Attorneys at Treleven & Klingensmith have the experience and knowhow to defend your driving charge and get your license valid. Call 513-999-5297 for a free consultation.

Unfortunately there are many ways your license can end up suspended. Each of these suspensions can carry different penalties including fines, court costs, longer suspensions and some charges like a driving under a 12-point suspension even carry mandatory jail time. As former prosecutors, we have the experience and knowledge to defend your driving under suspension charge.

Our Representation Does Not End on the Courthouse Stairs

We will work with you to get you valid and get you back on the road again. From SR 22 Bonds, judgement releases to negotiating settlements with judgment debtors, we will do everything in our power to get the license blocks and holds removed so you can move on with your life.

Local Representation

We are a local law firm. With offices in Cincinnati, Amelia and Oxford, we have experience in every court in Southwest Ohio. From Norwood and Miford’s Mayor’s courts to the area courts of Butler County and everywhere in between, we have successfully defended client’s driving under suspension charges.

Call 24/7


Offices in Amelia, Oxford and Cincinnati

  • Types of Suspensions

    DUI — OVI Suspension
    FRA Suspension
    Failure to Reinstate
    Judgement Suspension
    Security Suspension
    License Forfieture Suspension
    Warrant Blocks
    Public Safety Suspension
    Violator Compact Suspension
    Reckless Driving Suspension
    Court Order Suspension
    CDL Disqualifications
    Juvenile Suspension
    12 Point Suspension

  • Potential Penalties

    Court Costs
    Mandatory Jail
    Community Service
    Longer license suspension
    Vehicle Impoundment

    *The most serious suspensions are driving under an OVI Suspension and driving under a 12 point suspension. These two charges carry mandatory jail time.