Cincinnati Truck Accident Attorneys

The Cincinnati Truck Accident Attorneys at Treleven & Klingensmith have the experience to handle your Cincinnati Truck Accident. Call 513-999-5297 for a free accident consultation.

Why Us?

When it comes to road accidents, not all are created equal. The sheer size and weight of trucks mean that wrecks involving these vehicles are often significantly more catastrophic than those involving only cars. The consequences can be more severe, with a higher likelihood of serious injury or fatality, and the legal aftermath more complex.

Experience in Trucking Laws and Regulations

Experience with Complex Litigation

Ability to Maximize Compensation

Resources for Thorough Investigation

No Upfront Costs

Why Are Truck Accidents More Complicated?

Severe Damages and Injuries: Trucks can weigh up to 30 times more than a passenger car, which often leads to more severe damages and injuries.

Regulatory Landscape: The trucking industry is governed by a complex set of federal and state regulations that do not apply to regular passenger vehicles.

Multiple Parties Involved: Truck accidents can involve numerous parties from the driver, the trucking company, to the manufacturer of the truck parts, and each may bear a portion of the liability. They may also be multiple insurance companies involved.

Higher Insurance Coverage: Trucks often have much higher insurance policy limits, which means more is at stake when settling claims or filing a lawsuit and taking your case to trial.

Our Commitment

Investigate the accident: We will immediately begin investigating the truck wreck, gathering and analyzing evidence, reviewing police reports, examining trucking company records, requesting video and consulting experts if necessary.
Determine liability: We will assess the actions of the truck driver, the trucking company, maintenance personnel, the truck wreck itself and other potentially responsible parties to determine who should be held accountable for your injuries and losses.
Handle insurance companies: Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging, as their primary goal is to minimize payouts. Our experienced legal team will handle all communication with the insurance companies.
Keep you updated: We will make sure you know what we are doing to further your case every step of the way.

Truck Accident Lawyers


3 Locations — Call 24/7

Our initial consultations are always free. We have 3 convenient office locations, Cincinnati, Amelia and Oxford. For a free truck wreck consultation you can call us 24/7 at 513.999.5297 or contact us online.