What is Marsy’s Law?

Marsy’s Law is a set of constitutional provisions that aim to protect the rights of crime victims in Ohio. This amendment grants crime victims a specific set of rights that are equal in weight to the rights afforded to the accused. This represents a a shift toward a more victim-centered approach in Ohio's criminal justice system. Named after Marsalee "Marcy" Nicholas, a young woman who was tragically murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Marcy's Law seeks to ensure that victims have equal standing throughout the criminal justice process and that their rights are safeguarded.

One of the key provisions of Marcy's Law in Ohio is the right to be informed. Crime victims now have the right to be notified at various stages of the criminal justice process, such as the arrest, release, or escape of the accused. They also have the right to be present and heard during court proceedings and to receive information about available victim services and resources.

Another important aspect of Marcy's Law is the right to be heard. Crime victims have the right to submit a written or oral impact statement, which is a powerful tool that allows them to express the emotional, physical, and financial effects of the crime upon their lives. This provides victims with a voice in the legal process and helps ensure that their perspectives are taken into consideration during sentencing.

Furthermore, Marcy's Law guarantees crime victims the right to reasonable protection. They are entitled to request protective measures such as restraining orders or no-contact orders to ensure their safety and well-being. Additionally, they have the right to be free from intimidation, harassment, or retaliation by the accused or their supporters.
Ohio's Marcy's Law amendment also encompasses the right to full and timely restitution. This means that victims have the right to be compensated for any harm or losses they have suffered as a result of the crime. Restitution can include medical expenses, counseling costs, property damage, and lost wages, among other things.

Since its implementation, Marcy's Law in Ohio has brought about notable changes in how crime victims are treated within the criminal justice system. By recognizing the inherent dignity and rights of victims, Ohio has taken a significant step towards ensuring that their voices are heard and that they are treated with fairness, respect, and empathy.

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