Long Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance is not just a tool for managing potential healthcare costs; it is an essential component of a comprehensive estate plan. It ensures that an individual’s hard-earned assets are preserved for their intended use rather than being consumed by unforeseen medical expenses. The Estate Planning Attorneys of Treleven & Klingensmith have the experience and knowledge to help you determine which long term care insurance is right for you.

Financial Implications of Long-Term Care: The costs associated with long-term care can be staggering, often amounting to thousands of dollars monthly. Without proper insurance, these expenses have to be paid out-of-pocket, potentially depleting an individual's life savings and adversely affecting their estate's value. LTCI serves as a financial buffer, protecting assets from being consumed by these high care costs.

Estate Preservation Through LTCI: Incorporating LTCI into an estate plan ensures that the assets accumulated over a lifetime are not eroded by long-term care costs. This insurance helps in maintaining the estate's integrity, ensuring that the individual's legacy is passed on as intended, whether it be to family members, charities, or other beneficiaries.

LTCI and Medicaid Eligibility: Reliance on Medicaid for long-term care can lead to spending down assets to meet eligibility criteria. LTCI can help in preserving these assets by offsetting the care costs, thus reducing the need to diminish the estate to qualify for Medicaid.

Choice and Quality of Care: LTCI provides more options for care, allowing individuals to choose higher-quality facilities or in-home care services that might otherwise be unaffordable. This autonomy in decision-making can significantly enhance the quality of life in later years.

Tax Benefits and Estate Planning: Certain LTCI premiums are tax-deductible, offering an additional financial incentive. Moreover, the benefits received from most LTCI policies are generally tax-free, further enhancing the value of these policies within an estate planning context.

Long-term care insurance is not just a tool for managing potential healthcare costs; it is an essential component of a comprehensive estate plan. It ensures that an individual’s hard-earned assets are preserved for their intended use rather than being consumed by unforeseen medical expenses. As part of a holistic approach to estate planning, LTCI provides peace of mind, financial security, and the assurance that one’s legacy will be protected and passed on according to their wishes.

We are available 24/7 to answer any question you have.

Offices in Amelia, Oxford and Downtown Cincinnati.

Contact us today at 513.999.5297