Secure Your Legacy with Beneficiary Designations

At Treleven & Klingensmith, we can assist individuals and families in the important process of designating beneficiaries. Our approach ensures that your assets are transferred according to your wishes, with minimal complications and maximum efficiency. Contact us at 513-999-5297 for a free consultation.

Why Beneficiary Designations Matter

  • Direct Asset Transfer: Beneficiary designations allow certain assets to bypass probate and transfer directly to your chosen beneficiaries.

  • Avoid Unintended Consequences: Incorrect or outdated designations can lead to unintended beneficiaries or legal disputes, undermining your estate planning objectives.

  • Flexibility and Control: Designating beneficiaries gives you control over who inherits your assets, including retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and other financial instruments.

We are available 24/7 to answer any question you have.

Offices in Amelia, Oxford and Downtown Cincinnati.

Contact us today at 513.999.5297