Most Traffic Tickets including Speeding Tickets carry points.  Insurance companies can use these points to raise your insurance rates.  With multiple former prosecutors on our team, we have the experience to fight your speeding ticket. We have helped 100’s of people get their speeding ticket reduced to a zero point or equipment violation.


Just because you were given a ticket does not mean you have to pay the ticket or plead guilty.  There are options!  Many times it is possible to work out a plea, where the traffic ticket is reduced to a violation that does not carry points.  This reduction can save you money in the long run.  If a traffic ticket goes to trial, the burden is on the prosecution to prove every element of the ticket beyond a reasonable doubt.


According to one study, insurance companies will raise your insurance an average of 18% after the first offense and as much as 53% for subsequent traffic violations. Getting your ticket reduced to a no point violation can save you thousands of dollars in insurance premiums over the years.

You May Not Have To Appear In Court

Many times it is possible to fight your speeding ticket without you having to appear in court. Depending on the court and the judge it may be possible to file for a plea or trial in absentia. Call us today for a free consultation and to learn more about your options.

Offices in Cincinnati, Clermont and Oxford

We are available via phone, zoom and in-person. We have offices in Downtown Cincinnati, Oxford and Clermont County. Call us today at 513-999-5297 for a free consultation or send us a message at info@tkcincinnati.com to learn more about your options.